Supporting Leaders in the Construction Industry
Hi, I’m Laurel Hubber. I’ve been working in and consulting for construction companies for the past twenty plus years.
I know the ins and outs and ups and downs of the challenges, and opportunities, construction companies experience every day. The excitement and satisfaction that comes when estimating lands a big job that all your competitors wanted too. The gut wrenching feeling that comes when a project goes south, or when someone gets seriously hurt. The impact – positive or negative – a supervisor or manager’s attitude can have on everyone around them.
And maybe most importantly, I know first-hand, through their stories and actions and accomplishments, that it’s people who give this industry heart and meaning.
People who are able to breathe life into a set of blueprints out in the “wilds” of a job site. People who keep those people organized, safe and paid! People, many from humble beginnings, who have built companies from the ground up and in doing so, have supported hundreds of families and communities across geographies and generations.
People who are working in an industry filled with huge potential and its own set of unique challenges.
This is the industry I call home.
The success and the future of this industry – and the organizations and people in it – matter to me. And my hope is that, by working together, we can build on the foundation that’s already there, to create something even better. For right now, and for the future. One challenge, one opportunity, one conversation at a time.
My name is Richard Tozer and I own and operate a small construction company in Milton, Ont. My son has also worked for the company since his early 20’s along with a longstanding associate and true friend who plans to retire within the next few years.
Becoming of the age to envision the future of my decades long endeavour in the construction business it was my presumption that my son would take over the company as I seek retirement. My only other child would be compensated accordingly, bequeathed upon my death some healthy portion of my estate. I knew of course, that it is more complex than this and began the journey to discover just how much more complicated it actually is. I knew I was going to need help.
Fortunately I met Laurel Hubber. For the next year and a half Laurel met with me regularly, met with my team regularly, as a whole and also individually. After each meeting she documented and presented the meetings discussions and outlined tasks according to the discussions that needed to be accomplished within a certain timeframe. And then we met some more until we had truly worked through to appropriate succession of the company in an organized professional manner. Once that was done Laurel then advised how to manage all the other facets of family inheritance.
Through the time spent with Laurel, I discovered my son did not want to take over the company. This came as a surprise to me and let me say that if it was not for Laurel helping us through these soul searching times I’m certain the outcome would not have been so rosy. We have struggled through the years balancing our work/family life and with Laurel at our sides we have emerged through these challenging times with the love and respect for each other that we both, my son and I, value and hope for our family to come. Laurel showed us the way and we could not have done it without her.
At first when we were discussing fees for her services, I must admit, I hesitated. I could not appreciate at that time the depth of her knowledge, not only in business but psychologically her understanding of people and the dynamics of family in business together. Her experience has been invaluable to me in particular when dealing with the most precious thing in my life, the well being of my family that hinges upon the health and management of our business. I would advise anyone who owns a family business to work with Laurel. Her services are invaluable.
- Richard Tozer, President & Owner, Jarlian Construction